dialogism, text, discourse, scientific texts, technical texts, communicative categoryAbstract
The article investigates dialogism as a category of English scientific and technical texts, ways and means of its interpretation. Being a communicative category, dialogism becomes an object of linguistic analysis due to the development of text communicative paradigm and discourse investigation. The topicality of the paper is determined by insufficient investigation of the category of dialogism in scientific and technical texts, its significance for their comprehension and interpretation, as well as by absence of works devoted to considering the ways and means of their interpretation. The article aims to identify units and means of rendering the abovementioned category in the process of dealing with English scientific and technical articles of electronics. The multi-dimensional, complex nature of dialogism is determined in a number of dialogic relationships: inter-subjective (between the author and the reader), interdisciplinary (between the author and other authors) and intrinsic (within the same text between its parts). Dialogism is an integral category of scientific and technical texts not only due to the purpose of their creation which consists in spreading certain scientific and technical information among specialists, but also in communicative intentions of these texts’ authors by establishing contact with the addressee and attracting their attention to the most important information.
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