
  • Valerii Polkovsky University of Alberta



George Ryga, English-Canadian theatre, marginalized, oppression, Indian, Ukrainian


The article considers the contribution of the famous Canadian playwright of Ukrainian descent George Ryga into English-Canadian theatre. The most important feature of Ryga’s style is a special attention to the life, feelings, struggles of downtrodden (marginalized, oppressed, neglected, abused) people in a Canadian society (whether they are Indians, Ukrainians, Italians, or other nation or nationality) with a humane and dignified face under unbearable conditions of physical, moral, existential survival. Psychological nuances are presented by George Ryga vividly, persuasively and convincingly. George Ryga is one of the pillars of building a strong and nationally-oriented EnglishCanadian theatre and drama. Ryga Studies have to pick up their tempo here in Canada (where exists substantial literature on his creative heritage and its peculiarities), and especially in Ukraine (where Ryga, unfortunately and undeservedly, remains basically unknown and unresearched, in spite of some positive steps towards appreciation and recognition of its diverse literary heritage for Ukraine).


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Wyatt Kyle [Editor’s Note: Citizenship Test//LRC: Literary Review of Canada. September 2019. Vol. 27, No. 7, p. 3]

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